Friday, March 12, 2010


"Holy cow, holy cow, holy cow" I said that a LOT last week. And I'll tell you why.

The past couple months have been a whirlwind! I'm with Talcott Notch Literary Agency. My agent and I decided on revisions for DRENCHED, and in the meantime I pitched the partial for my YA Reaper story to her. Well, she loved it. LOVED IT. She advised me to put everything aside and get her a synopsis, and then finish the book.

I whipped out the synopsis and sent it to her last week. She posted the rights for FORESIGHT on Publisher's Marketplace and queried editors. In a few days time, we had two requests for partials. So, Echo and Chael are at two big publishers right now and I am totally freaking, geeking and Greeking out!! (And, no, don't ask because I won't tell who they are. I'm superstitious like that. And rejections can still come, and then where would I be?)

So, I sit, nose to the grindstone, fingers to the keys and forsaking pretty much all else until the book is done. Being on submission is a friggin rollercoaster! Good thing I love wild rides. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. That is so awesome! I can totally understand your feelings on this.
    Congrats, and I hope everything stays good news!
