Sunday, March 27, 2011

Silly on Sunday

Maybe it's because I slept last night. Or maybe because I haven't had any caffeine yet. Either way I'm feeling kinda silly today, so I figured I'd give you a few things I bet you didn't know about me.

1. I have two long parallel white scars angling across my forearm from a bad mopping incident. Lying to myself and saying I liked the quiet, alone time, I used to clean houses before I decide to seriously pursue publication. The houses were pretty, mostly upscale cottages on Lake Michigan. One of the last times I cleaned I fought a mop and the mop won. The sponge head broke off and the metal it was screwed to ripped across my forearm. Then, I had to clean up the blood with cleaning rags. Yippee.

2. The gold band on my left index finger is my Dad's wedding band. After he passed away it was the one thing I said I wanted. I got my creativity, my work ethic, and capacity to love beyond faults from him.

3. I have a stuffed animal addiction. Wanna make me happy? Bring me a stuffy.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Prompt writing

Y'know I used to HATE prompt writing. Hate hate hate it. I avoided it forever. Then I started following a YA author, dropping by her blog, and Follow Friday-ing her Twitter. Well, my friend Michell Zink has a weekly writing prompt she calls Thursday Night Write. She posts a picture for inspiration, and the picture to the left was this week's pic.'s what I came up with:

Chelsey Street should ring with my hurrying footfalls. The fog swallows all sound, sucking away my harsh breaths as if I’m not even here. As if I’m already dead. And, with Joshua walking calmly away from me, I may end up that way. Frozen, a Phoenix no more.

Joshua knows what he’s leaving. Me. Our tangled, tortured summer months. Our past lives, too. And he’s leaving me to the one soul he’d always tried to protect me from.

“Josh!” I scream, but he never looks back. “Don’t leave me,” is a useless whisper.

My heart aches with every step he takes, and clenches when the fog erases his presence as if he’d never touched me. In the space of one breath, the night shifts from heartache to breath-catching panic. Chills icier than the October fog pour down my skin and I know I am not alone. Aric is close. That familiar pressure dances on nerves I didn’t know I had until I met him, until he awakened something ugly and sharp-toothed in me.

Shreds of thoughts cut through my mind, pretty poison. The same siren call that rings in my soul, flows in my veins and always, always misses my heart. Joshua is there, my talisman against the darkness.

Aric’s beautiful forever is a bitter hollow promise. Forever without Joshua is eternal torment, and yet he left me, unwilling to engage in a fight we’ve fought before. A fight that left us both dead...

I'm thinking this may become a scene for a book I'm plotting with my daughter. ^_^

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Inspirational pics

Tricia Rayburn, author of Egmont's SIREN and the upcoming UNDERCURRENT posted a blog today about what gets the creative juices flowing, and include some gorgeous pictures you can see HERE.

So, I decided I'd do the same, and show y'all the spot that always makes my writer's heart sing. Below are a few of my favorite pictures of Polly Falls, a private cottage in teeny weeny Shamrock, WI. The falls aren't very high, and we spend a lot of time sitting on them in the hot weather. There's such an essential energy in the water and singing through the's SO worth the 8 hour drive. Just thinking about it makes me itchy to go back!

So, I hope you enjoy the pictures, maybe feel a little inspired yourself.

Oh, by the way, that's my own little YA inspiration at the bottom, not a water nymph ~_^