So, I decided I'd do the same, and show y'all the spot that always makes my writer's heart sing. Below are a few of my favorite pictures of Polly Falls, a private cottage in teeny weeny Shamrock, WI. The falls aren't very high, and we spend a lot of time sitting on them in the hot weather. There's such an essential energy in the water and singing through the's SO worth the 8 hour drive. Just thinking about it makes me itchy to go back!
So, I hope you enjoy the pictures, maybe feel a little inspired yourself.
Oh, by the way, that's my own little YA inspiration at the bottom, not a water nymph ~_^
Such pretty pictures! I wish I could say I have a lovely, inspirational spot I go to, but I get inspired at random times and odd places, like walking the dogs, or blow drying my hair. :)
Wow! Absolutely gorgeous!
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